Hear again, Hear comfortably
Meet us today to find a solution to your hearing problems
Hearing Loss Testing
The first step on a journey towards hearing again comfortably starts with in-depth hearing testing. Our team is trained with years of experience to conduct the test and guide you about your hearing problems. We have been helping people with hearing loss for more than 20 years. Click here to read more about hearing loss symptoms.

Hearing Aids Guidance
Choosing the most suitable hearing aid requires the help of an experienced audiologist. Our team of hearing experts use their experience of years to guide you in identifying and fitting the right hearing aids. This step is extremely important to ensure that you are hearing comfortably with your hearing aids. Click here to know more about how to choose perfect hearing aids.
Speech & Voice Therapy
Over the years, we have helped many people overcome their speech and voice problems. Our speech therapists have helped people overcome issues of stammering, stuttering, misarticulation, delay in speech, loss of speech due to brain stroke and re-join conversations. With our expertise and experience, we have helped many teachers, singers, radio jockeys, students and lawyers develop and strengthen their speech and voice. We can help you too….click here to read more

We are proud of what we do....see for yourself
Read for more information about hearing loss and hearing aids
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CONTACT : 011-43573665 / 9871064242
EMAIL: info@amplyclear.com